Jon Kane Houldsworth
We look upon a hidden world with no two views the same, each moment undiscovered, never seen again.
— Jon Kane Houldsworth

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Jon's work brings together the art of visual story-telling from the aesthetic of someone who truly understands how to capture a beautiful image.

Jon's introduction to photography and moving images began as a child of the 80s when home video cameras were taking off and through dabbling with his grandparent's Polaroid. But it was the gift of an old 35mm Nikon FM2 in 2002 and 20 rolls of slide film from an old-school cinematographer and mentor which began his journey into the magic of capturing light.

A number of years followed in the digital realm, both field directing and shooting documentary stories for TV, with a good dose of editing, graphics and web development on the side. Combining such an eclectic career, Jon nowadays works as a brand creative and communications manager, bringing together a wealth of experience that's found him creating some of the most compelling Cinemagraphs out there. He says his style is "Magical Realism... with the odd touch of humor!" He says it's about bringing a touch of magic to everyday scenes while keeping it real, relate-able and relevant.
